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Scorpio Career Horoscope 2021

Your superpower across all areas of life is your powerful sense of intuition. Younger Scorpios may struggle to listen to it or choose to ignore it or drown it out but with the time you learn to put stock in your gut instincts and the more you listen to them, the stronger they become. You start this year with a keen awareness of what would be good for you career-wise with Venus moving into Sagittarius on the 4th January. 

Whether you want a change of scene or you have your eye on a promotion, your heart and soul are all in meaning that you can’t possibly fail. A Scorpio with its eyes on the prize cannot be deterred. You bring a lot of balance to work which stops you from bringing too much intensity to the table. You don’t take your work home with you and this makes you a far more impactful worker. As February strikes you become very magnetic and impactful at work – if you want to make an impression now is the time. 

You’ll also find from April 6th onwards that there are plenty of opportunities for you to latch onto should you wish to do so with Jupiter moving into Capricorn and making work a supercharged area of life. You’ve manifested many career options and you’ll excel in any one of them. If this year teaches you anything it should be that you have a raw, primal, almost animal ability to check into your surroundings and to suss out what is best for you. You should trust in this skill-set and put it to work so that you can improve your tidings in the coming year.

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Scorpio Horoscope 2021


Scorpio Love Horoscope 2021


Scorpio Finance Horoscope 2021


Scorpio Family Horoscope 2021

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