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Sagittarius Career Horoscope 2021

Energy helps us to manifest and fire energy is creative and initiating. This year, your own energy will bring a lot of success and victory to your career thanks to the impact of Venus in Capricorn from 28th January. You should work on affirming and manifesting the type of career that you want. Fate and luck will also conspire to help you. Beginning this year with high levels of enthusiasm and optimism help you get stuck into the possibilities and potential rather than the pitfalls of work. 

You’ll start the year with opportunities, invitations and interviews and your personality is so strong that you’ll naturally shine and show off the best of yourself. Networking may come through loved ones. Your friends may introduce you to someone who can transform your career potential. By June, you may begin to feel as though you are working hard but not receiving the deserved rewards. Do not fret. Things will begin to right themselves. Do not be put off and do not stop working for this is not the answer. Perseverance is key and working on your ability to focus will make a huge difference.

August can bring pressure in the workplace with Venus moving into workaholic Virgo on the 11th, but nothing that you are unable to handle. It’s important to confide in others and to utilise helpful relationships and connections in the workplace. An important reminder from this year is to continue to balance all facets of your life – focus on your career but do not let it dominate over other areas of your life. Keep everything in a sense of interconnection and flow. As the year begins to draw to a close you’ll reflect on your success and consider new ways of making money and expanding your horizons. Mercury moves into Capricorn on December 29th and rounds things off nicely for you. What can you achieve next?

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Sagittarius Horoscope 2021


Sagittarius Love Horoscope 2021


Sagittarius Finance Horoscope 2021


Sagittarius Family Horoscope 2021

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