Vastu for Bathroom

Vastu for Bathroom

Have you ever noticed that you tend to become uncomfortable when you see an open bathroom door the moment you enter a room? It often happens that you feel disgusted when you see the toilet open. Of course, it could be the pungent smell of the bathroom that gave you a bad feeling. But you might not realize that you mostly repel an open toilet because of the negativities that emerge from it. 

Vastu for bathrooms is based on certain principles that help us get rid of the negative energy arising from the bathroom that can disturb the harmony of the people living in the house. This negative energy may lead to certain diseases and have a drastic impact on the health of those who dwell in that place. 

What Importance Does Vastu for Bathroom Holds?

Bathrooms and toilets form an integral part of our homes as the excretion is a vital process of the human body. We perform our ablutions and get relieved with the help of the washrooms. By putting the waste and dirt of our bodies in the bathrooms, we unknowingly make it a source of the negative energy that can disrupt the smooth functioning of our lives. 

By doing Vastu for the bathroom you can get rid of financial problems and severe health issues related to your physical as well as mental well-being. Since it is the place where you release the toxins of your body, it may give rise to certain evil vibrations that can amplify stress and make you miserable. Thus, applying proper Vastu techniques for bathrooms can safeguard the inmates of your house and make them healthy and happy.

What Are The Vastu Guidelines for The Bathroom?

You must have noticed that during earlier times, the bathroom were made outside the house separating it from the main area of the house. This was done as per the Vastu guidelines to protect the house from the negative energy that arises from the bathroom. 

Even in village areas, you will find houses that are spread over a vast area with the bathroom on the outside edge, extremely away from the house. But in the urban living style, we have crammed places to live in and therefore, the bathrooms have been made a part of the house itself. 

So, in order to make the modern-day bathroom a Vastu compliant one, there are certain tips that can be followed to enhance the health and positivity of the house:

  1. Location of the bathroom - The bathroom must be preferably constructed in the North-west, North-East or South-west part of the house and not in any of the corners as it will trap the negativity and will not let it escape from the house. 

  2. Entrance of the bathroom - A bathroom must be constructed at a distance from the room. Although it is difficult to implement this in an attached bathroom, there is always an option to build a small dressing room in between the room and the bathroom that will break any direct connection between the two. The entry gate needs to be placed on the east or north wall of the bathroom. 

  3. Position of the commode - The commode or water closet is the most negative part of a bathroom and therefore, you must pay special attention to its position. As per Vastu, it must be aligned with the North-South axis of the bathroom.

  4. Flooring of the bathroom - Marble or tiles must be used to floor the bathroom and the water containing toxins and negativities must slope towards the east or north direction as it would bring health, wealth and prosperity to the house and those who reside there. 

  5. Internal arrangement of the bathroom - The washbasin must be in the North-Eastern section of the bathroom while the bathtub must be installed in the West section. Also, the geyser must be placed in the South-east corner of the bathroom. 

  6. Placement of a window - A window must be constructed on the east, north or west wall of the bathroom along with an exhaust fan to brighten it with sunlight and use it for the purpose of ventilation. 

  7. Color of the bathroom - Light shades such as white, pale grey, cream, light tones of blue, pink and green must be used for a bathroom as these colors lighten the mood of a person and charge them with positivity. On the other hand, dark shades produce negative vibes and attract negativity and make the bathroom a gloomy place. 

  8. Location of the washing machine - In case you plan to put a washing machine in the bathroom, make sure that it is placed in the south-east or north-west direction. Also, the laundry basket must be kept in the north-western corner of the bathroom. 

  9. Position of the mirror - The mirror must be put on the east or north wall of the bathroom but it must be taken care that this wall is not the one that is shared with the bedroom. 

  10. Proper sanitation - It is said that dirt and filth invite negativity and therefore, it is very important to keep the bathroom clean at all times. 

These things must be taken care of in order to protect your house from misery and monetary problems. A Vastu compliant bathroom can also provide you sound health, mental peace, and ultimate bliss. Therefore, it is very important to contact an expert Vastu consultant who will give you the best advice to build your bathroom and help you bring positivity to your home.

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