Vastu for Factory

Vastu for Factory

Have you ever wondered why one particular factory has an incredible success rate while another one is hit with losses, strikes and all sorts of troubles? The correct Vastu for the factory might be the answer that justifies the above question. 

Vastu for factories  is a very important step that can help in the proper analysis of the site on which the factory is supposed to be constructed. It plays a major role in the success of the factory and therefore, it is crucial to know the problems that might arise due to the wrong site and work out proper remedial measures to get rid of these problems. 

Why is Vastu for a Factory so Important?

Vastu for factory can help in the better functioning of the factory and ensure tremendous monetary benefits. It can help make the business a huge success and lead to large-scale production of the goods manufactured. 

By applying the principles pertaining to Vastu for the factory, the owners can enjoy wealth, prosperity and peace. There are high chances that a Vastu compliant factory will report fewer cases of administration problems, labor strikes, and financial losses. 

How Can a Vastu Factory Make Your Business Reach New Heights?

A house supports just a single family but a factory supports many families and therefore, one must follow certain Vastu tips for the factory so that it has a positive impact on the lives of all the people who work there. 

Every business venture is set to earn more and more profits by increasing the production of goods and services. But the correct Vastu not only brings production but also enhances the productivity of each and every person associated with it. 

There are many things that must be kept in mind while implementing the Vastu guidelines for a factory. Let us take a look at the major Vastu tips that must be followed to build a Vastu compliant factory:

  1. Direction of the factory - The factory must face the north, east or north-east direction as it enhances the flow of finances and makes the factory profit-oriented. 

  2. Height of the building - The western and southern sections of the building must not be taller than the eastern and northern ones. It is much better to keep the height equal on all sides. 

  3. The main entrance - The entry point of a factory plays a vital role in the establishment of a profitable business as it invites success, prosperity, and peace for the people who work there. Therefore, it must be in the east direction. 

  4. The office of the owner - The owner’s office must be located in the Eastern or Northern zone of the factory area and the owner must face the North direction while making any dealings with the customers as this will enrich the business and increase monetary gains. 

  5. Location of wells and reservoirs - The wells, borewells, reservoirs, pools, etc. must be placed in the eastern or north-eastern zone of the factory. 

  6. Placement of electronic items - The generators, boilers and other electronic equipment must be installed in the South-east section of the building as it helps in avoiding accidents and enhances the smooth functioning of the factory.  

  7. Dumping area - The raw materials must be dumped in the South-west corner of the factory so that it does not hinder the production of the goods. 

  8. Placement of machines - The machines are the equipment that produce goods and are in a constant mode of production. Therefore, heavy or light machinery must not be placed at the center of the factory but rather in the South or West portion. 

  9. Location of the toilet - The toilets must be constructed in the North-west or South-east portion of the building in order to avoid any negativity that arises from the washrooms. 

  10. Placement of the finished goods - It is very important that the finished goods are dispatched as early as possible to maintain cordial relations with the clients. Therefore, keeping these goods in the North-west area will bring profits for the factory and help win the trust of the clients. 

  11. Location of the septic tank - The septic tank is the place where the sewage of the factory is collected and disposed off.  The waste materials invite negativity and therefore, it must be cleaned regularly. It must be placed in the North, South, North-west or South-east position so that the negative effects do not hamper the functioning of the factory. 

These are the basic Vastu principles that must be adhered to, to build a factory. But this is not the entire list, there are many more things such as the direction of the basement, placement of beams,  sloping of floors, etc. that must be taken into consideration. 

Only an expert Vastu consultant can guide you through these things and make a proper blueprint for your factory. So you must contact them even before selecting the site of the factory and get it built in such a manner that it brings huge profits for your business and also for the staff that will work for you.

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