Vastu for Peace

Vastu for Peace

The competitive world that we are facing today gives us no time to relax. The tension and stress that we deal with while participating in this rat race can damage our health as well as our relationships. All these things lead to mental and physical agonies but this can be taken care of with the help of Vastu for peace of mind.

The stressful circumstances around us give rise to pessimism and create a negative aura that can hamper the smooth functioning of our life. In order to get rid of the negative energies that make our life a living hell, we must take refuge in Vastu Shastra that will help us calm our senses and make peace with ourselves.

Why is Vastu for peace of mind important?

Can you imagine a world where you have all the luxuries, riches and abundance, a great job and well-settled life, but a mind that is constantly disturbed with anxiety and depression? Do you want to live such a miserable life?
Of course not. You would never want a life that is not at all complete. Mental agony and physical pain is not something that can be tolerated on a daily basis. There comes a time when all we want in life is a little peace of mind that can help us enjoy what we already have and inspire us to move ahead at a steady pace. That is the reason that Vastu for peace of mind is an essential measure that must be taken by everyone.

What are the various guidelines for Vastu for peace of mind?

As per Vastu Shastra, the designing and layout of your home can help you cleanse your soul and attain the eternal peace that soothes all human beings. Here is a list of Vastu tips that can help you live a peaceful and tranquil life:

  1. Eating meals - Meals must be taken while sitting in the North direction as this can help you get rid of stressful conditions and diseases related to it.

  2. Declutter your surroundings - It is believed that a cluttered space often disrupts your peaceful and organized way of living and therefore, you must clean your surroundings regularly and dispose of everything that is not in use. 

  3. Sleeping direction - The direction in which your head must point while sleeping is either south or east. This will ensure that you get an interrupted sleep that will give you complete peace of mind.

  4. Location of bedroom - The bedroom must be located in the south-west direction as that would help in letting go of negative thoughts and grudges and regrets and help you relax your mind and rejuvenate your body.

  5. Use of auspicious symbols - The symbols like “Omkar” and “Swastik” generate powerful positive vibrations and connect you to the divine cosmic energies. This enhances your thoughts and clears the blockages of your mind. Therefore, these must be placed in the North-East section of your house. 

  6. Placement of dustbin - The dustbin must never be placed in the North-East direction as that would attract negativity and that would hamper the positive flow of your emotions. 

  7. Door of the toilets - The toilets are said to be the highest source of negative energy  as that is the place where we release the toxins of our body. Therefore, the doors of the toilets must be kept closed to avoid the negativity that gives rise to suffering and illness. 

Apart from these tips, there are many other Vastu tips that can help you lead a peaceful and happy life. You can consult a professional Vastu expert who can assist you in designing your house as per the rules of Vastu Shastra in order to make your home a place where peace resides along with happiness and prosperity.

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