Vastu for Plants

Vastu for Plants

Have you ever witnessed a beautiful garden near the entrance of a house? Did you ever wonder why people bother to maintain such gardens at all? Maybe they know the importance of Vastu for plants and trees and are well aware of the abundance and riches that it can shower upon them. 

Plants, trees, and flowers represent nature and since we cannot always experience the bliss of nature, we try to bring it to our home to soothe our senses and calm our mind. But how will we know about the plants that work best for us? Vastu principles related to gardening and layout of a garden can help us sort out this problem. 

Why is Vastu for plants and trees so important?

You must have visited hill stations, tiger reserves, bird sanctuaries, and many such places. Why do you visit such places? What is the importance of going to such natural habitats? To escape in the lapse of nature. To refresh our mind and rejuvenate our body while providing a scenic view to our eyes. 

This is what nature can do for us. The greenery that surrounds us makes us healthy, tranquil and prosperous. The healing properties of nature, the soothing effect that it has on our senses and the peacefulness that it provides to our soul - we can experience all of this if we plant the right trees and plants in our own garden. 

In case there is not enough place to maintain a proper garden, a balcony can be used for similar purposes. It can be filled with potted plants that will provide beauty to our home and energize our surroundings with extreme positivity. 

What are the different Vastu tips for plants and trees?

As per Vastu Shastra, various plants and trees have their own benefits and there are certain guidelines as to what kind of plants and trees must be planted near the house. Some of the Vastu tips that must be adhered to while planting trees and plants are mentioned below:

  1. Tall trees - It is advisable to plant taller trees such as coconut in the west or south-west direction in such a manner that its shadow does not fall on the house. Also, it must be taken care that it does not block the sunlight.

  2. Shrubs - These can be planted in the Northern or Eastern portions of the garden as the trees are not planted in this side since they block the rays of the morning sun.

  3. Large trees - Peepal tree and Banyan tree are said to produce large amounts of oxygen and therefore, must be planted in the vicinity of the house but not too close to it as their roots can affect the foundation of the house. 

  4. Trees to be avoided - Trees that give shelter to worms, owls, bumblebees, etc. must be avoided at all times. Also, flowering trees must not be planted as they shed numerous leaves during summer times and makes it difficult to maintain the garden. 

  5. Trees to be planted - Trees such as neem, coconut, pineapple, mango, amla, etc. must be planted in the compound of the house as they bring positive energies to the house. 

Vastu Shastra also tells about the plants that must be planted and the ones that must be avoided in order to maintain the peacefulness of a house:

  1. Tulsi (basil) - One of the most auspicious plants, it is essential to grow this plant in one’s household. It has many medicinal properties that can purify the blood and help in the digestion of food. The most suitable place to plant a Tulsi is the East, North or North-East part of the house.

  2. Jasmine - A sweet-smelling flower that provides aesthetic pleasure to the eyes and can be used for decoration and pooja purposes. It brings positive vibrations to the house. 

  3. Thorny plants - Apart from roses, all thorny plants such as cactus bring negativity to the house and those who dwell there. Therefore, these plants must be avoided at all times.

  4. Creepers and climbers - These plants usually grow on the walls and may often creep into the tiny cracks on the wall. As they continue to grow, this may cause problems of seepage and therefore, it is best not to grow these plants with an exception of the money plant.

  5. Bonsai plants - These plants are not suitable for growing in the house as they attract negativity and may prove harmful for the inmates of the house. 

Apart from these tips, there are many other Vastu guidelines that can help bring health, wealth and prosperity to your home. To get a personalized analysis on the layout and structuring of your garden as per the Vastu for plants and trees, you must consult a Vastu expert.

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