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Gemini Career Horoscope 2018

Few possess your eclectic blend of talents and skills, and that’ll be your greatest advantage in 2018. Mercury, your ruling planet, opens the year in the third house, which turns into a supernova of opportunity. You’ll be repeatedly called to the forefront to show off your gifts, as the rest of the world marvels in your many blessings.

It’s wonderful to know that your natural interests could one day elevate your career. Following organic beliefs, you’ll really capitalize on Mars transit to Scorpio in mid-January. Within your mind lies everything you need to win over your competitors. Dig deep to unleash your superpowers!

If you’re working on a proposal or pitch that could change your career, don’t worry – no one can resist your delivery, Gemini. Just remember to be crystal clear on what’s required of you when you reach your goals. You may not be very happy if you’re surprised with unspoken responsibilities when Mars transits to Sagittarius. Being placed on the spot isn’t the issue, you don’t appreciate it when others don’t work as hard as you do. Slackers could become the object of your irritation, especially if you’re experiencing any delays at work because of their lack of effort. 

Sure, it’s a little upsetting to see coworkers work the system but you shouldn’t let that frustration cause you to lose your balance, dear friend. The delays you see during Jupiter’s first quarter retrograde present another chance for Gemini to show off your objectivity and leadership skills. While everyone else is losing their focus, it’ll be up to you to maintain order so everything gets done.

Time is of the essence and you aren’t willing to waste a single minute. The second quarter of 2018 will prepare you to completely transform the way you’re viewed in the workplace. You could be the leading cause of everyone getting a big bonus or the sole force behind a major contract that set, even more, plans in motion.

When Gemini shows up with words of advice, your opinion is respected by all your colleagues, regardless of their tenure. Your reputation has earned you the recognition you’re receiving right now. Just don’t let that professional fame get in control of your ego.

People idolize the idea of earning the title but few understand what goes into building your way to the top. You could become oppressed with the responsibility when Mars retrogrades on June 27. As the planet spins backwards, you’ll see projects that were progressing smoothly start to slow down. These delays could make you vulnerable to attacks from opponents but, if you rely on your intuition, you’ll quickly come up with a strategy for keeping things stable and consistent.

Jupiter goes progressive on July 10, releasing the hold on everything that was affected by the standstill. You’ll attract more professional help than you really need but, being the enterprising Gemini that you are, you’ll find a way to keep everyone occupied – like a true executive.

It’s only right that you’re compensated for your skills. Expect the progressive move to fast forward your finances because a promotion or pay increase is certainly on the table.

You’ll continue recovering from those stalling events when Mars turns progressive on August 31. With everything moving on schedule, you’ll regain the creative edge that lets you neutralize the competition before they even know what happened. If those talks about a promotion that began last month haven’t been realized yet, the ending of this retrograde should be the missing ingredient for your instant success!

Sometimes, all it takes is for you to be connected to the right person in the right way, for your career to be transformed in an instant. When Saturn turns direct in Sagittarius on September 9th, you’ll benefit from a connection with your partner. If they don’t schedule the meeting personally, they could be the referral that links you to someone of influence. Either way, Gemini should expect to reap professional rewards and many thanks will be in order.

Don’t let the competition get under your skin, even as Jupiter transits to Scorpio in October. If you’re struggling with certain people who are trying to bring you down, remember that they must already be beneath you to pull you in that direction.

You shouldn’t sacrifice your blessings for anyone who isn’t trying to help you reach your goals. Let this be the lesson you carry with you through the last quarter. As new career opportunities are laid out for you when Mars transits to Aquarius, you’ll become a witness to drastic financial improvements.

Even Geminis who own small businesses can expect to benefit from this move. The vibrations will rise even higher when Mars transits to Pisces on the 26th of December. As the planet of activity transits into your 10th house, you’ll see even more progress on the work front. If you’re looking for a government position or a promotion within your current job, expect to see things work out in your favour. With all the ideas floating through your head, there’s no doubt that Gemini will start 2019 just as lucky as this year started!

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