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Cancer Career Horoscope 2018

This year will begin like an appetizing buffet for the enterprising Cancer. You’ll be tempted by the many different career opportunities presented to you at the start of 2018. Mars transits to Scorpio, shining a promising light on any educational ventures you choose to initiate. This will also be a promising time for Cancer to take advantage of new job opportunities. You may even find the courage to finally take a giant leap toward building a business of your own!

Whatever you do, be sure to measure out your every action before taking a step the first steps. When Mars transits to Sagittarius on March 7, you could be surprised by a few unnecessary expenses. Of course, this can all be avoided by being a little more cautious in your professional dealings. Don’t jump at the first opportunity that lands on your desk. Do your own research and check the facts before making any major commitments. 

Your superiors will start applying pressure on you when Jupiter retrogrades on March 9 – yet another reason for Cancer to pay attention to their every move. The negative forces that attempt to distract you aren’t nearly as powerful as they may seem. Remember your own authority while you decide on the best course of action.

The way you keep a cool head, especially when others are trying to manipulate you to behave uncharacteristically – that’s one of the reasons why you’re such a threat at the office. Saturn’s retrograde on April 18 will inspire your opponents to initiate yet another show of strength, but you’re too smart to fall for any of their tricks.

Stay focused and leave them to their own devices because May 2 has a special gift wrapped especially for you, Cancer. When Mars transits to Capricorn, everything related to your career will start looking better than ever. New responsibilities and advancements at work could lead to pay increases that’ll benefit you in other areas.

Do your best not to get bored with the routine. After experiencing such drastic advancements in the second quarter, Cancer may become a bit underwhelmed by the sterility that comes because of Mars’ June retrograde. Though things may appear to be dull to you, there’s some action taking place behind the scenes that won’t be placed on display until Jupiter turns progressive on July 10.

Then, you’ll start to see how quickly things move forward for you. Pending assignments at work will finally get completed and you may even find yourself travelling to initiate the next steps in your strategy.

A new interest in political events could open the door to another career opportunity for you, Cancer, so stay on your toes and don’t be afraid to immerse yourself in the action!

In fact, when Mars goes progressive on August 31, you’ll feel as if you’re being thrust into the commotion – as if you were being pulled by ethereal forces. Any projects that were blocked and unable to move will progress with ease; bringing new responsibilities along with those advancements.

The way you manage everything entrusted with you will subsequently earn new levels of respect from your competitors. Anyone who was attempting to block your path will quickly realize that you’re too great of an opponent – and they may even decide to try to join forces with you!

September 9, Saturn turns direct in Sagittarius, which bursts open the flood gates within your career. Your investments won’t go unnoticed Cancer, and you’ll probably find yourself on the receiving end of a lucrative reward. Your company may become so inspired by your efforts that they’ll send you on a business trip that will continue to open new doors for the future.

By the last quarter of 2018, you’ll be drowning in new opportunities. Prosperity will follow you throughout the final weeks of the year and the Cancer shall progress in any domain they choose to partake in.

When Mars transits to Aquarius on November 9, you’ll witness a heavenly elevation that promotes you to remarkable heights at your workplace. Your business endeavours will continue to thrive, and these synchronistic events may inspire the Cancer to begin a new business venture or transition to a more fulfilling job.

Mars transits to Pisces on December 26; its position in your house of luck shines an illuminating light on new skills or investments that will plaster a huge smile on your face. A promotion is in the cards, Cancer – one that’s going to remind you why you’re so blessed to live the wondrous life that’s been granted to you on this Earth.

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