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Capricorn Career Horoscope 2018

Saturn, the lord of Capricorn, opens 2018 in the prosperity house of the year’s ascendant. Though this year may manifest as a sort of mixed bag for your zodiac, you’ll be welcomed to many opportunities to profit in various areas.

The first quarter of the year ushers in your first wave of prosperous undertakings, as Mars transits to Scorpio on January 17. This transit will present Capricorn with many pleasing opportunities at work. Since your destiny is under your control, you should prepare to decide which option is most profitable for you. Take advantage of the opportunities that align with your desires!

The attention you attract could weigh heavily on an opponent’s mind, so be careful about who you choose to trust during this time. Don’t spend too much time focusing on a competitor’s plans – the planets have aligned to offer you the protection you need to become invincible against anything an adversary is conspiring.

Before the first quarter closes, Mars transits to Sagittarius, assuming its position beside Saturn. The combination of these planets can create stress that impacts the Capricorn’s health. At the same time, you’ll experience a wave of confidence that encourages you to keep pressing forward; despite the way things may seem to you right now.

You’ll win over any competitor with the greatest ease if you choose to rely on your intellect and skill rather than reacting based on your emotions.

Jupiter retrogrades on March 9, in the 10th house of your sign. Positioned in the Capricorn’s house of work, this backward spiral may create a few delays on the career front. If you have any ongoing projects that need to be resolved, you may need to wait until a more beneficial moment to try to complete them.

The ambitious Capricorn won’t easily accept workplace delays. You could use this retrograde to get creative and think outside of the box while attempting to solve your professional dilemmas.

Saturn joins the list of retrograding planets on April 18. This shift in Sagittarius could cause you to become overly agitated. When it seems as if luck has abandoned your side, the Universe is trusting you to push ahead using your own innate wisdom.

On June 27, Mars retrogrades as well, placing a halt on any legal matters you may be dealing with. If the proceedings are directly related to your job or business, use this time to revisit facts that may have been missed.

Prepare for the stars to give you a cosmic boost when the planets return progressive starting in the third quarter. Jupiter is first, taking its shift on July 10. Its adjustment in your house of work will allow your affairs to resume without any further delay. Mars follows suit, going progressive on August 31 – this is a time for the action planet to help you make up for lost time while shedding its blessings on your work.

Capricorn could be called to take a few trips during this alignment, trust that any adjustment is an indication of the progress you’re preparing to make before the close of the year.

Expect to witness a rebirth when Jupiter transits to Scorpio on October 14. This is a beneficial time for Capricorn to make a new business venture official!

Remember, new avenues will require new responsibilities from you too. In the last quarter of 2018, you’ll work toward getting comfortable in your new role. Mars transits to Aquarius on November 9, placing the spotlight on even more travel opportunities. Any form of networking or marketing is sure to pay off, especially when Mars transits to Pisces toward the end of December.

The success you’re creating may instigate a communal wave within your workplace. Use your gift of discernment to see through the well wishes and smiling faces. Backstabbers may be creeping in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to try to steal what you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

The threat of opposition won’t deter you at all, dear friend. Capricorn will end 2018 with a considerable boost in your courage. The improvements you’ll experience in your life will prove that every sacrifice you’ve ever made was certainly worth it!

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