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Leo Career Horoscope 2018

The year 2018 has the potential to become as great as you make it, dear Leo. The planets will align to open plenty of profitable doors for you – but you’ll have to prove how much you wish to see the success you deserve.

There are a few lessons you must master, starting at the beginning of the year. When Mars transits to Scorpio on January 17, rising stress levels could make you a bit short and unforgiving with your words. While your drive and work ethic won’t be affected by this transit, you’ll still need to strengthen your communication skills, Leo. As you’re introduced to new avenues for growth and profits, success will come even easier if you have a powerful team standing behind you.

Mars transits again, on March 7, taking its position in Sagittarius. This may open the door for Leo to engage in professional travels that could catapult your career. A business trip might prove to be the opportunity you’ve been searching for, dear friend. Open your heart and mind while you anticipate new, profitable avenues to appear!

With so many beneficial moments being placed at your feet, it’s important for you to push through the sense of complacency that may be stirred as a result of Jupiter’s retrograde on March 9. Falling victim to procrastination could harm your luck and make you miss out on the big break you’ve been working so hard to see.

Regardless of how quickly things manifest, it’s vital for you to stay focused, Leo. Temporary pauses in your progress shouldn’t distract you from everything you’ve worked to build.

Continue to sharpen your focus when Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius on April 18. If you’re pursuing higher studies or engaging in some form of training to benefit your career, you could be discouraged by results that aren’t as grand as you expected. Don’t dwell on shortcomings or let downs of the past. Instead, shift your focus so that you may learn from your mistakes and prove your mastery while you advance.

The planets will come together to offer their support when Mars transits to Capricorn on May 2. Luck will serve as your loving guide, as you fight to assert yourself in a professional arena that once caused you to stumble due to lasting competition.

The second quarter of 2018 could reveal a few hidden opponents who’ve been conspiring to force you to fall. Mars retrograde in June will remind you to remain alert in the workplace. You can’t risk allowing your adversaries to impeded on your plans, mighty Leo.

Fortunately, Jupiter’s return to progressive on July 10 will aid you in defeating any business rivals. High spirits and innovative ideas will make anyone (or anything) that attempts to get in your way transform into a distant memory.

Leo must give thanks to the planets for all the opportunities that are afforded to you during this time. You can expect things to progress even further when Mars turns progressive on the last day of August. This shift will create monumental moments in your career. You’re likely to begin a new project – or even a brand new job opportunity – that’ll take your professional plans to the next level!

When success is on your mind, nothing can get in your way. The third quarter closes with Saturn going direct in Sagittarius on September 9, creating, even more, opportunities for you to use your talents and skills to advance in whatever area you see fit.

On October 14, Jupiter transits to Scorpio, calling Leo to draw upon the wisdom you’ve gained through experience to address issues that carry a similar undertone. This is a favourable time for you to make calculated moves to progress your career or expand your business in a way that’ll attract plenty of recognition – and profits!

The final quarter of 2018 is marked with many opportunities for Leo to advance in many different domains. Your career will continue to progress as Mars transits to Pisces on December 26. Last minute opportunities will present a surprise in your professional life. Don’t hesitate to walk through these doors with confidence, dear friend.

The next stage of your career could manifest as something as simple as a promotion or through drastic changes like moving into a completely different field of work. Whatever move you make will prove to be a fulfilling decision that grants many new opportunities to succeed through 2019!

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