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Sagittarius Career Horoscope 2018

From the start of 2018, Sagittarius is blessed to benefit from the effects of the lord of your zodiac’s position in the wealth house of the year’s ascendant. Expect to make moves that allow all your financial dreams to come true!

On January 17, you’ll be encouraged to partake in various professional ventures that have the potential to place you in a profitable position. The first quarter of the year is marked by many auspicious transitions, Sagittarius; it’s your job to decipher between promising opportunities and events that are just a waste of your efforts.

Mars’ transit to Sagittarius on March 7 reminds you to keep your head in the game. There may be people attempting to thwart your plans by stirring meaningless confrontations at work. Ignore them while you stay committed to your goals.

Jupiter also retrogrades during the first quarter, which places the stars in an unfavourable position to move your plans forward. That long-standing project you’ve been working on may need a little more time before it’s finally done. Check to see if bouts of procrastination could be to blame for the delay. There may be a lot happening in your personal life around this time but, if you want to see the results you’re expecting, you’ll need to place confusion outside of your mind.

The third quarter opens up with Saturn’s retrograde in your zodiac. This could create a few personal distractions that throw your professional accomplishments off center. You’ve worked hard and committed yourself to developing this plan – don’t allow anyone or anything to defer your progress, Sagittarius!

You’ll see that success is just around the corner; especially when Mars transits to Capricorn on May 2. Luck favours everything you touch in your professional life – make this most of this profitable moment!

Jupiter’s shift to progressive in July will give those lingering projects the boost they needed to advance through the final stages of completion. You’ve behaved judiciously while working hard to manifest your goals, the rewards you see now will be proportionate to the amount of hard work you’ve invested into finishing this job.

The third quarter of 2018 hosts Mars’ return to progressive. This shift gives you permission to engage in business travels that will bear fruit in various ways. Travel with confidence in your capabilities, Sagittarius! Luck follows you through the work-related journeys you’ll take during this time. Show off your expertise while being grateful that you’re able to live a life that’s so fulfilling!

On September 9, Saturn returns direct in your sign, marking, even more, progress in your career. The ease by which your professional endeavours advance will render you speechless, dear friend!

As Sagittarius boldly steps into the final quarter of the year, you’ll be whisked away on an automated chain of events that guarantee your success. Mars transits to Aquarius on November 9 – increasing your ability to neutralize opponents. Nothing is powerful enough to distract you right now!

With luck standing confidently by your side, there’s a good chance of getting a promotion. Start preparing your acceptance speech because the time is quickly approaching!

Mars transits to Pisces just before the close of the year, granting you with even more opportunities to progress within your career. This life is what you make it, Sagittarius, and, this year, it seems as if you’re moving like a dreamer on a mission!

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