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Leo Health Horoscope 2018

Leo is known for living life at remarkable highs; drawing from the strength and power associated with your zodiac to overcome any battle. Fierce and ferocious as they come, the first quarter of 2018 will require you to take a breather while dealing with life’s challenges. Mars transits to Scorpio on January 17, sparking stressors in various areas of your life. Rather than viewing this situation as overwhelming or out of your control, see it as a challenge to test yourself on your ability to keep your head above water – despite the distractions being stirred by external influence.

You are the master of your own domain, dear friend. Remember that, even as Mars transits to Sagittarius on March 7. The action planet will be taking position aside Saturn, which opens new doors for Leo to travel and explore. Broadening your horizons could be just what you need to free yourself from whatever frustrations attempted to overcome you at the start of the year.

When Jupiter retrogrades on March 9, you’ll feel sluggish and less amped than the vivacious Leo typically behaves. This stint of procrastination could create a domino effect that impacts your luck in other areas. A minor change of perspective could allow you to see that your body needs this temporary rest to recover and prepare for the events to come.

By the time Mars transits to Capricorn on May 2, it’s place in your sixth house will revitalize your energy levels and restore your luck, Leo. You’ll experience a complete recovery from the loss of momentum you experienced earlier in the year. Anything that tries to hold you down – be it an illness or an opponent – won’t stand a chance!

On June 27, Mars goes into retrograde in your sixth house, which could cause you to slow down to take care of yourself. Leo may have to overcome seasonal health issues but you’ll be equipped with all you need to kick that sickness to the curb.

High spirits will adjust the way you look at life when Jupiter goes progressive on July 10. The third quarter of 2018 will saturate your heart and mind with new thoughts and brilliant ideas that will help you put existing plans into motion. The planets will bless you with all the good luck you need to be successful, dear Leo.

Activities continue to thrive when Mars goes progressive at the end of August. Leo will feel confident about any actions taken during this time – nothing will be able to stop your drive!

Your health will continue to stand strong, supporting you as you experience even more improvements when Saturn turns direct in Sagittarius on September 9. When you have a strong love serving as the foundation for your life, your spirit is better equipped to handle anything life throws your way.

This will be put to the test when Jupiter transits to Scorpio in the middle of October. You’ll also need to pay close attention to your body’s warnings and suggestions when Mars transits to Aquarius at the start of November. Events that take place during this time will require you to be mindful of your health; particularly stomach related ailments.

Leo won’t allow themselves to be affected for too long. The last quarter of the year ends with Mars’ transit to Pisces which awards you with a newfound sense of confidence and courage that’ll inspire you to use your innate authority to take promising steps towards starting 2019 in a state of abundance while standing as a picture of health!

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