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Leo Finance Horoscope 2018

The year 2018 will prove to be a financial highlight of your life, dear Leo. Starting with the year’s Virgo ascendant, you’ll follow along a prosperous path that’s carved out by the lord of your sign at the beginning of the year.

Many blessings guarantee an abundant overflow for you, but you must stay focused on your primary goals, dear friend. Mars’ transit to Scorpio in the first quarter could present a few unnecessary stressors that may distract you from your objectives, Leo. Try to view these upsets as the insignificant interference that they are. Do this and you’ll be able to remain committed to the plans you’ve implemented. Just stay focused so you can continue to stimulate new avenues for growth and profits in all your endeavors.

On March 7, Mars takes another transit into Sagittarius, joining Saturn in your fifth house. The planets will stand as definitive guides that direct you toward new opportunities for you to multiply your finances.

You may find yourself entertaining the idea of acquiring profitable assets such as investment properties. When you plan to venture into new territory, it’s important to prepare for the unexpected so you keep all your bases covered, Leo.

Jupiter retrogrades on March 9, which could create a few detours in your plans. Temporary delays don't indicate that you’ve travelled down the wrong road. Tame your frustrations and head back to the drawing board. You have the creative vision to come up for a solution for any problem!

Still, in Sagittarius, Saturn retrogrades, which could mean some of your investments won’t yield the results you desired. This shift may also encourage unexpected events capable of placing a dent in your savings. Whatever unforeseen twists you experience during this time should be used as an opportunity to gain wisdom that’ll benefit you in the future.

In May, Mars will transit to Capricorn, creating a favorable placement for the ambitious Leo. Move forward like a mighty lion, as you embrace the lucky energy stimulated by this placement.

Any obstacles in your path will crumble at your feet. Your properties and investments will reap rewarding returns that’ll make up for any delays you experienced earlier in the year.

Be cautious about how you handle any highs you experience during this time. It’d be wise for Leo to store excess returns to prepare for Mars’ retrograde at the end of June. This shift could cause some of your investments to fall short but being proactive about the way you manage your finances will help you avoid any detrimental traps.

Jupiter goes progressive on July 10, giving you a boost of energy that’ll help you make confident decisions. As Mars joins its progressive state on August 31, Leo shall have the foresight required to make sound investments for the future.

Financial prosperity will continue to follow you throughout the third quarter of the year. When Saturn goes direct in Sagittarius, you’ll be faced with new opportunities to multiply your accounts in more ways than one. From new opportunities to increased returns on past investments, everything you do during this time will contribute to strengthening your savings account!

Even though you’ll have the capital to spare, you should still investigate any investment opportunities that present themselves during Jupiter’s transit into Scorpio in October. You need to be cautious about placing your money into any opportunities that seem too good to be true. The temptation of rapid returns isn’t always worth the risk, dear Leo.

Don’t worry, your grand desires will still be met, even if you avoid those tempting schemes. You’ll be met with strong opportunities for monetary gains when Mars transits to Aquarius on November 9. As your savings continue to increase by increments, thanks to Mars transits to Pisces on December 26, you’ll witness a confident boost of perspective that reminds you of everything you’re capable of. The financial prosperity you’ll experience during the last quarter of the year will prove to be one of the most noteworthy waves of abundance you’ve ever experienced!

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