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Virgo Finance Horoscope 2018

When it comes to money matters, Virgo speaks a language few can understand. Your financial fluency will be used for your benefit, as you navigate through the many abundant gateways that will be opened for you this year!

Luck favors your investments during Mars’ first transit on January 17. You’ll witness the overwhelming return from past commitments; solidifying your sound judgement when it comes to money matters.

As you know, great risks don’t always turn out according to plan and you may face a few disappointments when Mars transits to Sagittarius on March 7. Even if your material comforts experience a slight drop, Virgo will instantly have a chance to redeem yourself – and you’ll rise up greater than ever!

The first quarter closes with Jupiter’s retrograde in your second house. This could create a dent in your finances because of sudden halts in evolving projects. Short trips are also highlighted during this time. You may be invited to partake in an opportunity that helps you recover from any financial declines.

Mars transits to Capricorn on May 2, creating an auspicious gateway for the enterprising Virgo native. You’ll experience promising opportunities to advance your career and, consequently, promote your finances at the same time. You should also consider making an investment under this fortunate planetary lineup.

By the close of the second quarter, Mars retrogrades which could cause you to spend unexpected money. Virgo could be suddenly called to fund an unplanned trip, creating the need for you to take some time to recover from the expense. It’d be best if you hold off on making any sizeable investments until next month, if you want to minimize your risk.

Jupiter turns progressive on July 10, marching forward in your second house. Thank the lucky planet for sharing its blessing as you embark on promising professional travels. This shift will open the ground for Virgo to plant fruitful seeds but you’ll reap the rewards of your efforts later on the year.

There’ll be some hurdles for you to overcome when Venus transits to Virgo on August 4. Healthcare expenses could detract from your savings in a way that makes you reconsider other financial plans. Don’t let these expenses cause you to miss out on a promising investment opportunity. When Mars turns progressive, have faith and move forward with any intentions to acquire investment property or engage in trades on the stock market.

When you notice just how financially stable you really are, this transit could also encourage the Virgo to take a long-anticipated trip abroad. The third quarter of the year will stimulate the closure of many outstanding projects. After all your hard work, you deserve to enjoy yourself!

As you enter the last quarter of 2018, you may want to shift your success towards making another investment. Research your options surrounding acquiring a new vehicle or buying a home – now could be the time for Virgo to start enjoying those delayed fruits from earlier in the year.

Luck protects your every step when Mars transits to Aquarius, giving you the confidence you need to step outside of the box. Consider the month of November a promising time to move forward with any long-term investments you’ve been thinking about.

Try to seal the deal before Mars transits to Pisces at the end of December. This shift creates the risk than any loans may become an unpaid debt, so think twice before handing out money at this time. Considering the success you’ve seen throughout the rest of 2018, you may not be concerned with losing a small investment. A simple shift of perspective could allow you to view that potential loan as your way of giving back and showing your appreciation for such magnificent abundance.

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