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Taurus Finance Horoscope 2018

Taurus will begin 2018 on the right foot. As Mars transits to Scorpio on January 17, your finances will reap the benefits of a prosperous career that’s set to continue rising throughout the year. You’ll keep basking in the limelight as the action planet transits again in March. When it’s resting in Sagittarius, your eighth house will attract even more admiration in the personal and professional front of your life. 

Friends and colleagues will treat you like a social star, and you should definitely make the most of the connections you make during this time. You never know who you’ll rub shoulders with if you choose to stay open and accessible, dear friend. This transit is a marker for one of the most promising moments capable of taking your wealth to new levels!

Build up your savings, as the excess flows in. It would be wise for you to create a comfortable financial cushion to carry you through Jupiter’s retrograde at the beginning of March. Don’t make any new investments after the retrograde commences, that could lead to a serious error that sets your finances back in a major way.

Stay mindful of how you spend your money in the first quarter, Taurus. Don’t let the smooth start of the year trick you into taking on unnecessary expenses that’ll take a chunk out of your savings account. When Saturn retrogrades on April 18, you could find yourself at risk of unemployment.

Of course, this won’t be the case for every Taurus, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. No matter what happens while you’re enduring the effects of the planets spinning backwards, relief will arrive when Mars transits to Capricorn on May 2. Lucky breaks will explode all around you! This could be the moment for you to make a few profitable investments, maybe even while acquiring new property.

As your portfolio gets stronger, it won’t be difficult for you to acquire new assets. If you feel hesitant toward the end of the second quarter, just go back and revisit your strategy Taurus.

Success is inevitable, no matter what you do. There’s few that can match the Taurus’ commitment levels. Even if it takes a little longer than expected, stay focused while you’re building your legacy, dear friend.

By the third quarter, you’ll see the Wheel of Fortune turn in your favour. You’ll win over any adversary and persuade them to move in accordance with your master plan. Professional progression will feed your savings accounts. As success is continuously attracted to you, you may decide to take a short trip to reward yourself.

It’ll seem as if there’s no end to your winning streak, when Mars goes progressive on August 31. One by one, you’ll close out outstanding tasks – which place you in position to receive abundant blessings. This will be the time when you witness the effects of the life you’ve created for yourself. You’ve held a certain standard of living dear to your heart and, now, you’re finally able to enjoy it all!

Expect even more financial growth, as Saturn goes direct in September. A long-term investment may begin to produce unexpected returns – but you won’t be complaining, Taurus!

This sudden windfall could inspire you to take a long-distance trip. This move may place you in a position to further your career. Or, it could pop up because you need a break to relax and concentrate on personal enjoyment.

Continue riding this profitable wave as Jupiter transits to Scorpio on October 15. You’ll see a small amount of financial growth but, after the way 2018 has handled your money, you’ve learned to appreciate all instances of overflow.

As the year comes to a close, you could aspire to make a few bold last-minute career moves. Whatever you decide to do, Taurus, be confident in your steps. This combination of financial gain and professional respect is an indication that next year is preparing you for even greater accomplishments.

Don’t be surprised if you receive a paternal inheritance before the new year. The way the planets are supporting your life, there’ll be many more blessings in store for you, Taurus!

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