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Sagittarius Finance Horoscope 2018

Starting in January, Sagittarius will be presented with promising opportunities to make investments that’ll continue to pay you throughout the rest of the year. Although you’ll probably be flooded with tempting offers, be careful not to become too anxious, dear friend. Take the time to carefully analyze all money-related matters, and resist the temptation to jump at the most enticing scheme on the table.

Due to the promising placement of the planets, you’re almost guaranteed to receive waves of abundance – some showering you when you least expect it. Knowing this, it’ll be easier for you to embrace the executive persona that’ll be drawn out of you this year.

When Jupiter retrogrades in the beginning of March, the stars will teach you the consequences of procrastination. As you operate in accordance with the divine prosperity reserved for your zodiac in 2018, you’ll also need to learn to get out of your own way, so that you’re prepared to receive the opportunities being placed at your feet.

Place all personal stressors to the side, so you can maintain the positive perspective required for you to see through the momentary confusion taking place in your life. By the time Mars transits to Capricorn in the second quarter of the year, all your financial affairs will be blessed, Sagittarius. This could be the right time for you to work on minting your money. Judging by the planets, money matters will be moving in your favor for a while to come!

Luck and opportunity will work together to make your dreams come true, so don’t worry about any delays that take place when Mars retrogrades in June. You may not receive the inheritance you’ve been waiting for from your father but that won’t take anything away from the person you are – or what you’re capable of achieving on your own.

Don’t gripe too much over the cost of your travels during the retrograde, either. What may appear as a decrease in your luck may merely be a pause so you can witness how resourceful you are, whether or not “luck” is involved.

Jupiter’s shift to progressive in July will place all your outstanding projects on a fast-track to success. If you pushed through the fit of procrastination that plagued you at the start of the year, you can expect to be rewarded according to the extent of your energetic investment.

Money is energy, despite the way it may seem. When you’re in good spirits and standing firm in the belief that you’re able to achieve your dreams, things will start aligning for you – as if by magic!

Mars goes progressive on August 31, carving out yet another opportunity for Sagittarius to store the abundant overflow being shared with you. As you continue to profit from your professional travels, you’ll have more than enough capital to start moving forward in other investment plans.

Saturn’s shift to direct in Sagittarius caters to the lucky energy surrounding you throughout the third quarter. When your career advances, your accounts also take a considerable jump. Get prepared to see what life is like as you climb to new heights on the prosperity ladder!

On October 14, Jupiter transits to Scorpio and multiplies your expenses. This shouldn’t be viewed as a negative event. With the additional capital you’ve attracted, you’ll be able to handle this financial requirement. There’s a strong chance that you may even decide to purchase a new home or buy that dream car you’ve had your eye on!

Remember to shower the Universe with your thanks and appreciation, as you continue to ride the effects of this lucky wave. You’ve worked hard and gave so much of yourself to friends and family that you deserve to receive these blessings!

Although the stars are all shining on you, you still may be called to offer support during the last quarter. Mars transits to Aquarius on November 9, which may require Sagittarius to share some of this abundant energy with your friends or family.

Do so in good conscience, dear friend. The close of 2018 stamps you with an abundant energy that highlights many more opportunities to make profitable investments between now and next year! Once is not enough, as far as the stars are concerned. Enjoy the advancements awarded to you thanks to the presence of the heavenly bodies that have been governing all you’ve done!

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