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Cancer Finance Horoscope 2018

If you’ve been wishing on a lucky star, then 2018 is the year when you can rest assured that your requests have been heard. To start off the year on such a prosperous foot is a clear indicator of all the things you can expect in the days to come. The Virgo ascendant that welcomes 2018 is one of the luckiest placements for the Cancer. Start expressing your thanks now because this year is going to bless you with more good luck than you can handle!

Success will follow you everywhere you go, starting when Mars transits to Scorpio on January 17. You’ll make the right decision in any career or business opportunity you’re considering, which allows you to receive a plentitude of financial blessings. To guarantee that you’re spending your time and money in the right place, take care not to make any hasty decisions when it comes to your investments.

Any major moves should be made before Mars transits to Sagittarius on March 7. After this point, Cancer should put off attempts to acquire property or any other assets. Even if the opportunity looks promising on paper, save your decision until a later date. You don’t want to move too quickly because this shift risks creating some unexpected expenses for you, Cancer.

Take heed to these warnings since Jupiter’s retrograde will appear shortly after. When the planet of luck spins backwards, there’s always the risk of witnessing some form of monetary or material loss. Pending payments could be put off and returns on your investments may be delayed. You’ll see a lot of sudden changes taking place, but do your best not to become too emotionally involved. Cancer needs a clear head to stand firm in the midst of this financial storm.

Saturn’s retrograde in the second quarter could put a dent in your savings too. This is one of those times when you’ll have to remember how you overcame upsets in the past. Use the wisdom you gained to avoid falling into another trap, Cancer.

Should you manage to weather the storm, you’ll see your finances find their strength again when Mars transits to Capricorn. New prospects in your career may present even more profitable opportunities that allow you to recover from any damage done by the retrograde. Be sure to manage your money wisely because there’s another one coming on June 27.

When Mars decides to spin backwards, there’s nothing to fear, dear friend. But you should be mindful of how you invest your income because poor decisions could negatively affect your savings.

If you find yourself tapping into your reserves, don’t let get too upset. Savings accounts are meant to be a buffer that keeps you afloat during hard times. Rather than being angry over the money you have to spend, try being grateful for having savings to get you comfortable during this transition.

When you shift your perspective, you’ll place yourself in a better mood to make the most of the occasion when Jupiter goes progressive in the third quarter. Its place in your fourth house will guide you toward new investment options that’ll help you recover everything you lost. Keep up with this momentum because, when Mars ends its retrograde on August 31, you’ll be welcomed to even more opportunities for your savings to be restored.

Sudden financial improvements will have you singing a different tune! Expect many more lucky breaks as Saturn goes direct in Sagittarius. Past investments will begin paying off and money matters will be carried by an air of positivity that solves all your problems.

Bonuses at work prove two things – you’re one of the most competent people in the office and your superiors recognize that your talents deserve to be rewarded!

As your increase continues to manifest, the planets will steadily show support through the last quarter of the year. Jupiter transits to Scorpio on October 14, laying out the red carpet for a few V.I.P. opportunities that’ll allow you to prosper and progress.

By the time Mars transits to Aquarius, you’ll realize why your eighth house is the home of luck and opportunity for the Cancer! Considerable financial gains will be supported by an unmistakable boost in your confidence. With the way things advance, you’ll be considering how you can make your next profitable investment. The only thing that’ll be on your mind is making sure that you can make the most of the last minute promotion that’s catapulted your income!

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