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Gemini Family Horoscope 2021

Friendships are like breath to Gemini natives, establishing a solid social circle is vital to your self-esteem and happiness bringing consistency and support but you also enjoy exploring the shallower, surface and superficial realms of human connection and in this state of giddiness you often explore true joy. Imagine a butterfly drifting from flower to flower – this is the heart of the Gemini approach to friendship, one that is playful, light and consequence free. 

Sometimes a little lacking in the deeper substance of life, you are nonetheless always personally popular due to your electric manner. On January 5th Mercury moves into Capricorn which fortifies your social relationships and enables you to connect far better with others, ending a little depth and gravitas to your manner. This time will draw you to gatherings and activities. You want to be at the centre of socialising and will gravitate towards hubs where you can enjoy the company of others and be in the midst of things. This time is likely to bring support from your family should you need it. Sometimes you are prone to withdrawing from deep emotional investment, but leaning into advice does you the world of good and is a great way to build self-worth and confidence.

On April 6th Jupiter moves into Capricorn which provokes arguments and can make you moody. Try to explain your feelings and then withdraw. At least this way others will be able to understand your motivations far better. No-one likes to be left in the dark. By July 17th Venus moves into Leo which bolsters your social life and makes you warm, friendly, loyal and more committed to those around you. This can make a big impact on your interpersonal connections with others – people may become more impressed by you and more trusting. As of August 9th, Mercury moves into Libra and you may experience conflicts and clashes with relatives. There may be some family issues that crop up and need to be addressed. Patterns from childhood may come into play and require attention and healing. Do not neglect the wealth of knowledge you can accrue at this time if you allow yourself to dig deeply. 

On September 22nd Mercury marches into Libra and can bring up some personal troubles and difficulties in your friendships. There can be a great deal to learn that can improve your connections going forward. You don’t tend to like to be troubled by the darker side of life but in doing so, you can learn much about your own staying power. Venus moves into Sagittarius on October 30th and new beginnings are afoot. You may find that you are blessed with a new family member. Auspicious events, fun and excitement surround you and there is a great deal of joy to be experienced and shared.

Understanding the depth of your own need for people can be a Godsend for you. You are a social sign and connections mean a lot to you. Don’t ignore your own inner desire for companionship and camaraderie. 

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Gemini Horoscope 2021


Gemini Love Horoscope 2021


Gemini Career Horoscope 2021


Gemini Finance Horoscope 2021

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