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Capricorn Family Horoscope 2021

Establishing new friendships does not come easy to you dear Capricorn because your standards are incredibly high. You are the type who is most likely to put your friends through a series of tests to prove their validity. This means that only the truest end up getting through to your inner circle. With Venus moving into Capricorn on the 28th January you will find it easier to build new friendships without even looking. 
It will occur naturally By February 22nd Mars moves into Taurus helping you to bond powerfully with young children in your family. You may be called upon to babysit or to otherwise guide, teach or instruct them because you are considered a solid pillar. Venus moves into Aries on the 10th April which encourages support from your family and close friends. You aren’t one to call on friends just because, as you hate to be a burden or put others out in any way. Rest assured, your friends are there because they want to be. You can trust their intentions and let yourself go.
This time will bring plenty of positivity into your connections with others. You tend to be more on the sombre and serious side but now you will be a ray of sunshine and this may surprise as well as over joy those close to you. This positivity naturally makes everything and everyone more enjoyable. Plenty of fun is stored for you. A more mischievous side of your character emerges and you may initiate gatherings, meetups and events. 
You have a strong desire to be with people. You may find some arguments manifesting in your friendships. You are solid and principled and you have high expectations of both yourself and others. Make sure that you do not take out anything on them especially if it is unfair. People cannot be perfect as much as we might like them to be.
By 11th August you may be susceptible to bad influences as Venus moves into Virgo. New friends who do not have your best interests at heart may try to lead you astray and as regimented as you are, we all have our moments of weakness. You should guard against their influence as best you can. By September 6th a need for balance is essential as Venus moves into Libra. Your work life may detract from the time you spend with friends and family which can put you on an awkward path. Remember that the people in your life matter and you must make a consistent effort with them. 
On the 2nd October Mercury moves into Virgo and your female friends will become far more important to you. You may reach out to your mother, sister, aunts or others who can give you the guidance, support and fun you need right now. You round off the year with the opportunity to make new friends as Venus moves into Capricorn on December 8th. Trust your discernment and you could welcome some amazing new people into your life.

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Capricorn Horoscope 2021


Capricorn Love Horoscope 2021


Capricorn Career Horoscope 2021


Capricorn Finance Horoscope 2021

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