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Scorpio Family Horoscope 2021

For Scorpio natives, a close knit group of confidants forms the cornerstone of friendship. You don’t tend to value frivolous or casual encounters, preferring something of substance and depth. This year with Mercury moving into Capricorn on the 5th, you’ll experience a moody energy that will be felt by friends and family. When you’re in these moods it’s important to remember not to take out how you feel on your loved ones. Doing so can cause irreparable damage. By February 21st Venus moves into daring Aquarius which blesses you with plenty of affection toward your mother. Maternal energy in its most soothing form matters to you greatly at this time. Your plutonian energy, which can be quite dark, craves something light and sweet. These are the types of people you want to be around.
By March 11th, Mercury moves into Aquarius which encourages you to spend quality time with your parents. You prize family very deeply because these are relationships that cannot be replaced. You take your family obligations very seriously and may put a lot of pressure on yourself to be perfect in terms of emotional labour. You may fear for your father’s health and wellbeing – try to do what you can practically and surrender to the rest. Remember there are bedrocks of health that can be adhered to that make a tremendous difference. 
By July 25th Mercury in Cancer forges a bond of friendship between yourself and your father, cutting away tendencies to be scathing or challenging with one another. This is a time of soothing and pleasantries – you may feel you get to know each other in a more meaningful way. With Venus moving into Virgo on August 11th you’ll experience the joys of a new family and all the wonderful and beautiful experiences and opportunities that this provides. A new family member may enter the frame. There is a sense that your family unit is growing.
This time can bring about some confusion. You may question who has your best interests at heart and feel detached and sceptical of the motivations of your friends and more distant family members. Give people a chance but take your time – let things manifest slowly. You’ll find that friends you hold dear may show some animosity towards you. There is a sense of transformation about your friendships, either close friends will fall away or enemies will become friends. It’s an interesting energy. 
You’ll find that your friends take the initiative in terms of making plans and coming to see you. You’ll feel treasured and responsive as a result. This can be a very carefree and relaxed time in which friendship takes on a lighter resonance. This shows you that not everything needs to be so intense. A beautiful side of connection is play.

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Scorpio Horoscope 2021


Scorpio Love Horoscope 2021


Scorpio Career Horoscope 2021


Scorpio Finance Horoscope 2021

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