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Sagittarius Family Horoscope 2021

The Sagittarian approach to friendship is warm and inviting, like a campfire where anyone may join and tell their stories. This expansiveness and generosity makes you incredibly popular and likable. Literally anyone can become a friend of yours and this inclusivity is incredibly appealing to most for there is no judgement at the Sagittarius table, only plenty of cheer and merriment. On January 28th Venus moves into Capricorn which fortifies you with respect from your family. A bit of a rebel (you certainly do things your own way); you still need to know that your family has your back and they certainly do. On the 21st February Venus moves into Aquarius which intensifies your ability to bond with those younger than you. If you are a parent, aunty or uncle, you’ll enjoy closeness and greater understanding. Others may look to you for your wisdom. 
By the 17th March Venus moves into Pisces and despite your natural inclination to wander, you’ll enjoy being grounded at home with family. Home truly will be where your heart is. Venus moves into Aries on the 10th April and you’ll receive some happy news relating to your family. Positivity and success abound. Mercury moves into erratic Gemini on the 26th May which can cause plenty of arguments. Gemini is a talker with a strong need to be heard and has been known to generate arguments and conflicts just to evade boredom. A pleasant element of this placement is that you will enjoy communicating with others, just watch for your tendency to be pushy and difficult. Let conversation organically flow and you will enjoy it.
This prickliness can continue into July so you need to try to channel this tendency productively; talk, plan events, have fun, journal, but don’t fall out with friends and family! This is a note you should put on your fridge! You can be fairly blunt and struggle to keep a hold of your tongue. Sometimes a little tact can go a long way. Spending time with loved ones amps up a gear as you plan a trip or adventure together. This can certainly be an enjoyable summer of bonding and wonderful experiences to share. One of the best ways to connect is through action (as a fire sign you understand this well) and taking a voyage with your loved ones is a true blessing. 
Mars moves into Libra on October 22nd which may leave you with little time for friends or family as you turn inward instead. People may call for you, but you’ll bat them away. Even an energetic fire sign like you needs time alone! Harmony will be restored. You want to jump into life and have fun with your friends and family at the forefront of all you do. Roaring celebrations are to be had and these are enjoyable times. Some of the true beauty of friendship and family is getting to spend carefree moments together – that is how the year ends for you, and what could be better than that?

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Sagittarius Horoscope 2021


Sagittarius Love Horoscope 2021


Sagittarius Career Horoscope 2021


Sagittarius Finance Horoscope 2021

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