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Cancer Family Horoscope 2021

You have endless stores of warmth and compassion to bestow upon those who form part of your inner sanctum. It is these very qualities that make you such an attractive companion and you’ll never be short of friends. By 25th January Mercury moves into Aquarius which lends you even more charisma. If you use this power for good you’ll find that you attract many more people towards you. Aquarius also helps you to explore a little more detachment which stops you from diving too deeply into others and losing yourself in the process which can be a great way to prevent a tendency towards co dependence. This period will create a favourable period for friendship. You may draw closer to a new friend or enjoy spending quality time with loved ones.

On April 10th Venus moves into Aries which has fortuitous tidings for your mother or maternal figures in your life. You may find friends acting more maternally towards you. This time will bring happiness into your life. You’ll feel joyful, light and spirited which makes your friendships and relationships far more enjoyable and largely stress free. You may find yourself a pillar of strength for others with more people turning to you than usual. By June 2nd, Mars the planet of action moves into Cancer, the sign of the mother and blesses you with a happy and fruitful family. There will be contentment and serenity in your home, an atmosphere of peace and calm, a great space for nourishment and healing. 

On July 17th Venus moves into expansive Leo and you will bond tightly to the people in your life. This might come through some shared experience or magical conversation. You’ll feel a sense of permanence with people. As of August 11th Venus moves into Virgo and you’ll spend quality time with siblings. This can be a period of play and discovery. Siblings are often our first friends. With Mercury moving into Libra on September 22nd you’ll spend plenty of time with friends and be very open and diplomatic in your dealings with others. There can be an element of people pleasing with this position so make sure you hold fast to your boundaries. 

By October, Mercury will move into Virgo at the beginning of the month which can trigger misunderstandings. It’s important that you are patient, assertive and are able to listen so that you can get your side across whilst also taking in someone else’s. Avoid your tendency to become passive aggressive or withdrawing and punishing. On December 5th Mars enters dynamic Scorpio and you are filled with confidence and happiness which impacts your connections with others in powerful ways. You are able to step away from situations and people that do not have your highest good in mind. Regeneration is ahead. This is a good time for culling dead weight and for forging transformational and intimate connections with the people who matter. Quality over quantity. 

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Cancer Horoscope 2021


Cancer Love Horoscope 2021


Cancer Career Horoscope 2021


Cancer Finance Horoscope 2021

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