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Aquarius Family Horoscope 2021

For Aquarius natives virtually anyone can become a friend or honorary family member. You are very open minded and take people at face value. You let people be who they are and this creates a lot of openness and acceptance. People feel no pressure to pretend in your company. At the start of this year your confidence in friendships may be a little low. You may find yourself being more selective and critical of the people around you which is unusual. 
By the 21st February as Venus moves into Aquarius you’ll find that you seek out friendships with women and gravitate to female family members. They are where you find solace, guidance and encouragement and there is something particular about feminine energy that appeals right now. By March 11th Mercury moves into Aquarius which keeps friendships and family relations cordial, calm and pleasant. This is the time for smooth waters – there will be little to no discord or struggle, a time of plenty is upon you. Mercury moves into Aries on April 16th and you may find yourself worrying about your younger siblings. Your desire to take people under your wing and become a humanitarian of sorts may dominate but you also need to step back and allow others to make their own decisions. Avoid the urge to micromanage and control under the guise of protecting those you love. This is a rabbit hole that you don’t want to go down.
You’ll find yourself greatly concerned with your mother’s health and this may trigger some depression and anxiety. It’s important that you do all you can from a practical standpoint. Your nature is unlikely to drop that which it has become fixated upon. By June 2nd Mars moves into Cancer and good news may come from children in your family. Await the happy tidings or auspicious event. As we enter into July, Venus moves into Leo on the 17th which creates a time of expansion. This might look like a bursting social calendar, endless events or plenty of socialising – either way you’ll be busy and happily so. There’s no drama or chaos at play though, just pure pleasantries.
On August 9th Mercury moves into Leo which can bring about some misunderstandings. It’s important that these are cleared up before they become too embedded. Make sure that others understand where you are coming from. Chances are you’ll be very amicable when it comes to hearing them, although you do have a famous stubborn streak that can be hard to undo at times. Be humble. By September 6th Venus moves into Libra which brings auspicious events to the fore. You’re never one to turn down an event, although you socialise on your own terms. There’s plenty to look forward to and enjoy as the year draws to a close. You’ll be busy so feel free to turn down anything if you have too much on your plate.

Read the annual horoscope 2021 about your sign in more detail click below

Aquarius Horoscope 2021


Aquarius Love Horoscope 2021


Aquarius Career Horoscope 2021


Aquarius Finance Horoscope 2021

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