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Sagittarius Horoscope 2017

Your natural optimism has been a powerful force for you throughout your life, Sagittarius, and it will continue to assist you throughout 2017. You are truly a free spirit, and you dearly value your independence. This is a wonderful attribute, but this year you will have the opportunity to develop more lasting relationships in both love and work that will require commitment from you, my fiery friend. 

Commitment is difficult for you, as you don't like to feel that your freedom is compromised; however, in 2017, you will find stability that is both freeing and joyous if you are willing to open your mind to such possibilities. Early in the year, you will have the opportunity to embrace something new in both your personal and professional life. Although these endeavors will frighten you at first, you should commit to them wholeheartedly, and your life will improve dramatically. You are the most likeable of the sun signs, Sagittarius, and you are always willing and able to assist your friends and family with anything they may need. 

This year will provide you with many opportunities to help those in need.  Early in the year, around January 8, when Mercury directs in Sagittarius, you will be asked to assist a stranger in need. Your kind heart could never say “no” to such a request, and the Universe will repay you handsomely for this good deed. In February, you may be asked to do some charitable work. This will require a small commitment of time from you, and may hamper your freedom a bit, but the Universe is always watching, and you will be held in favorable regard. 2017 is also the year for some self-improvement, Sagittarius. You are sometimes overly sensitive and can easily be hurt by the criticism of others. Try to develop a thicker skin, my friend. Practice exercises in developing a stronger sense of self-worth.

You, and you alone, are responsible for your life's choices. As long as you are making positive choices, the opinions of others is of little matter. Continue to follow your heart and stay true to your path, and 2017 will be a successful year for you, Sagittarius!

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