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Aquarius Horoscope 2017

Ah, lovely Aquarius, the most original of all the sun signs, you are a leader in every way, and you refuse to follow the crowd. You have your own ideas, and nothing makes you happier than to see your dreams come to life. You will have numerous opportunities to fulfill your aspirations this year, Aquarius, as 2017 will bring you many good things domestically and financially. You will face new challenges as well; these are situations that may test your strong opinions about life.

You have a stubborn nature about you, my breezy friend, and you may need to open your mind to alternative ways of thinking this year. This will be your biggest challenge, as you feel your opinions are crucial to your identity, but you must realize that you are not always right in all things, Aquarius. Sometimes a new way of looking at the world can bring you many gifts. At the beginning of the year, around February, a challenging and exciting opportunity will come your way. It will be a creative project, and it will be very appealing to you. At first, you may feel as though you are in over your head on this project, but give it a little time. Trust your instincts and brilliant ideas, and this venture is sure to be a success. Take care to be open to new ways of working on this endeavor; try not to be stubborn regarding how things get done. Just get them done, Aquarius!

Springtime in 2017 brings you luck in love, my airy friend. You will feel a strong sense of stability at home and with family, and you can expect a surprise gift from a lover or a sibling around April. Later summer and mid-August is a time for Aquarius to be cautious. Hold your money close, and steer clear of the temptation to be involved in gossip of any kind. You are usually kind and easygoing, my friend, but sometimes you can be tempted by idle chatter.  In September, when Mercury directs in Leo, you will find yourself in a situation where you must avoid confrontation at all costs. Stay quiet, and let the other party play the fool. Remain centered, and this situation will be resolved.  The end of 2017 will be good for you, Aquarius. You will experiences riches in life, love and finances all due to your kind-hearted nature and creativity!

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Aquarius Love Horoscope 2017

Your personal life remains stable throughout the beginning of this year, Aquarius.  In March, you may be feeling a bit annoyed by your companion. You have high ...


Aquarius Career Horoscope 2017

You are feeling as though you need more from your business ventures, Aquarius. You are not being challenged enough creatively, and this is stressing you out in ...


Aquarius Finance Horoscope 2017

Financially, life is usually very stable for you, Aquarius.  You have a great respect for money, and you are always careful to organize your finances. In August...


Aquarius Health Horoscope 2017

You had a few health issues last year, Aquarius, particularly with digestion and irritable bowels. You have been working to remedy these problems, and in 2017, ...

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