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Cancer Horoscope 2017

2017 is a good year to concentrate on what's most important to you, Cancer:  the comforts of domesticity, family and friends. You will find great surprises and rewards if you stick close to home this year; your familial and personal relationships will strengthen, and your home will transform into that place of serenity and security that you have been longing to create.

Beginning the year, around early March, when Venus is retrograde in Pisces, you will discover a new strength of mind, body and spirit. This strength will give you the energy to complete projects at home, like renovations or alterations to decor.  You have been wanting to make some serious changes to your “little heaven” for some time now. March is the time to put these plans into action. You will find strength in relations with family members during this time as well, Cancer.  Don't be afraid to say what you need to say, express your opinions and profess your love.  Even a long-term family conflict can be resolved in March, my friend, if you play your cards right and communicate your needs effectively.  Don't blame or shame; just be honest and straightforward.

Your sun sign is representative of home and family; these are the most important elements of Cancer's life.  The Universe is asking you to focus all of your attention on domestic issues this year, Cancer, so you will find that 2017 is not an especially profitable year for you.  Your finances are stable, and you won't see to much fluctuation in money matters until the year's end.  Be careful in September, when Jupiter moves to Libra, as you could lose some money in an unwise investment endeavor.  Better to leave money matters alone, Cancer, and don't get too aggressive, as the Universe has other plans for you.  If you focus on your natural born domestic skills, by the year's end, you will find the joy in home and family that you have been dreaming about!

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