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Taurus Health Horoscope 2018

With all the demands you’ll be welcomed to meet in 2018, it’s important for you to make your health a priority, Taurus. You’ll be taking in lots of new responsibilities – and you want to be at your best, if you plan to rise to the occasion.

Mars transits to Scorpio in mid-January, which can create a few health issues with your stomach. It’s a good time to start paying attention to your diet so you can avoid any complications. This transit may place some Taurus in position to undergo a minor surgical procedure to correct a pre-existing condition. Don’t be alarmed by your doctor’s orders, it’s best if you address any problems as soon as possible.

Taurus should look before you leap as Mars moves into your eighth house on March 7. An increase in power and authority may make you a little overconfident in your abilities around this time. You should be extra cautious to avoid any careless accidents. It’s especially important to pay attention when you’re doing anything with fire. With the blazing hot year, you have to be careful, you don’t want to have a situation that impedes your progress in any way.

Jupiter retrogrades just two days later, which can take a toll on your health as well. You may become overwhelmed from tirelessly engaging in competitions but draw from your reserve energy banks to continue the race to the finish!

In the second quarter of the year, Mars transits to Capricorn, which opens many favourable doors. With your lucky star shining down upon you, you’ll receive a drastic boost in energy, giving you the power to take on the world!

A newfound enthusiasm for life will take control of everything you do. This courage and reassurance will allow you to display the grounding qualities that the Taurus is so famous for.

By July 14, when Jupiter turns progressive, you’ll witness full-scale improvements in your health. As life’s worries and concerns start to rectify themselves, Taurus will breathe a sigh of relief while experiencing the peace and harmony your earth sign needs.

At the end of August, Mars turns progressive too; treating you to a glimpse of the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. Prepare to witness the fruit of your labours as you’re elevated to areas that give your life a much more satisfying aura.

Enjoy this calming ride as Saturn goes direct in Sagittarius on September 10. Workplace dilemmas will resolve themselves and you’ll feel a load of stress being lifted off your shoulders. When your mind is clear, the Taurus becomes a powerful problem solver. Your productivity levels will increase and you’ll feel much more accomplished in everything you do at work.

October 15 will be the day that Jupiter transits to Scorpio. If you’ve been waiting to see any improvements in your health, they’ll make their first appearance now. Your heart and mind will open to new possibilities for you and your family. Be careful not to allow your passion to turn into envy – just trust that providence is always working in your best interest.

You’ll close the last quarter of the year with Mars transit to Aquarius on November 10. The intensity of your enthusiastic work ethic could create some minor health issues, either with you or your children. These won’t cause too great of a concern, since the Taurus will be so enthralled in their latest victories that nothing will be able to stop you!

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