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Cancer Health Horoscope 2018

Since 2018 begins with a Virgo ascendant, Cancer will be accompanied by good luck while the planets guide you through the year. Your blessings pour in faster than expected when Mars transits to Scorpio on January 17. From your fifth house, the action planet grants you stability and peace of mind. Use this to enjoy amazing moments resulting from something to do with your education, children, or romantic exchanges.

You may want to treat yourself to a relaxing vacation during the first quarter of the year. Take some time to separate from life’s demands, so you can express your gratitude for the way the Universe continuously blesses you, dear friend. By developing an attitude of gratitude early on, you’ll establish a firm foundation to support you through any unforeseen complications.

When Mars transits to Sagittarius on March 7, it joins Saturn in your sixth house, which could create a difficult emotional time for you, Cancer. Watch your health, more specifically, your stress levels. You need to remain as Zen as possible while you’re sorting out any snags in your finances.

These events will force you to make your needs a priority in your life. As Jupiter shifts into retrograde motion, you’ll witness many events that try to shift your focus and distort the clarity of the thoughts that cross your mind.

Stay above the negativity, nothing’s worth risking your happiness, Cancer. If you struggle to balance life’s demands, the lingering stress may create some health issues when Saturn retrogrades in April. Don’t allow yourself to become too distracted, especially when engaging in anything that may lead to an accident. Anyone who’s attempting to create confusion in your life must recognize the power you naturally possess. Leave misery to fester on its own – you have too much to look forward to through the rest of the year!

Mars’ transit to Capricorn may cause a second round of health problems that could tempt you to retreat into your shell. When the planet retrogrades on June 27, it may be difficult to view the world from a “glass half full” perspective. Even when the planets decide to spin backwards, you must learn to understand the lessons they’re trying to teach you, Cancer. Any issues at home or work may be a sign that it’s time for you to slow down, and make your health a priority that supersedes anything else.

You are the master of your existence, dear friend and you’ll feel your control being restored when Mars goes progressive on August 31. The move will remedy outstanding health issues, giving you the power to take control of any problems that have gotten out of hand within your love life or at work.

Cancer, when you regain your confidence, you become an unstoppable powerhouse. Saturn’s shift to direct in Sagittarius is a gentle reminder for you to begin your emotional harvest, dear friend. As competitors catch wind of your new attitude, they’ll run away out of fear of being embarrassed by you.

You’ll witness many instances of your personal power throughout 2018, but your challenge will be maintaining that momentum Cancer. When Jupiter shifts into Scorpio on October 14, you could experience another health scare that risks blocking a promising opportunity that you can’t afford to miss.

Look yourself in the mirror and demand that you’ll receive everything you deserve on a silver platter. When you learn to see beyond the present moment and remain focused on the blessings to come, you’ll place yourself in the emotional space to reap the lasting benefits that await Cancers throughout the last quarter.

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