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Capricorn Health Horoscope 2018

Capricorn’s health is directly related to the success you’ll see throughout 2018. You possess an impressive amount of drive and ambition – so much so, you must consciously remind yourself to slow down for an occasional break. You have a lot to accomplish this year, don’t drain all your energy!

Mars transits to Scorpio on January 17, giving Capricorn a sense of invincibility against the competition. You’ll feel confident in your abilities and sure of where you stand in comparison to your opponents. Anyone who dare object you during this time will quickly feel the consequences of that choice.

It’s invigorating to know that you have the power to conquer your opponents; just be mindful of your body’s warnings to take it slow. As Mars transits to Sagittarius on March 7, its position in your 12th house places it beside paternal Saturn. The planets come together to remind you of the need to slow down and take a break. Despite how focused you may be, it’s imperative for Capricorn to make your health a priority.

External stressors and lifestyle changes can trouble your mind to the point of having frequent headaches. These symptoms can domino into other issues like a lack of sleep and staggered concentration. When forced to juggle this unsettling combination, Capricorn can become a little aggressive in your dealings. There’s a risk of conflict with those closest to you, so try to avoid any major confrontations.

By April 18, Saturn retrogrades in Sagittarius, stirring your agitations once again. You could become frustrated by a sense of opposition that stems from an unknown source. If you struggle to identify the person working against you, there’s a chance that you could be creating confusion from the depths of your own subconscious.

It won’t be easy to face these tests, especially with your luck running away from you, but Capricorn has earned a longstanding reputation for conquering impossible situations. This is your opportunity to put your strength to work and be honest with yourself about what’s been troubling you. Facing your fears prevents them from being able to hold you back in the future.

Mars’ transit into your zodiac marks another moment of health-related concerns.  Things will stabilize when the action planet retrogrades on June 27, but it’s important for you to be proactive about avoiding any further complications in the future.

The third quarter of the year is marked by many breakthrough moments. When Mars returns to progressive motion on August 31, you’ll experience the relief of witnessing your personal life blossom. As your heart is warmed by the pleasant times you’re marked to endure with each passing transit, Capricorn will find the strength to stand up for a dream that can greatly benefit your emotional wellness.

The last quarter of 2018 is marked by numerous favorable events. As Mars transits to Pisces on December 26, you’ll feel a swift rise in your courage. Constant reminders of what you’re capable of will find its way into your life. Your health will improve with each day, establishing a fruitful energy that you’ll enjoy as you enter into next year!

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