Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

 In the Rider Waite deck, the card shows a young man sitting on a brown bench(symbolising practical ability) with a hammer in his hand, bent over in concentration in his work. He is working conscientiously on eight coins, carefully etching out a pentacle on each of them, wanting to make a good job out of it. He has moved away from the distractions of home(Town in the background) to focus on perfecting his skill.

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

When the Eight of Pentacles appears in a reading, it suggests that if you work on your skills and are organised, success will be around the corner waiting for you. Invest in yourself now by developing your talents and you will surely be rewarded. The card may indicate further studies, wherein you are looking to master some skills that you have been proficient in. And you are prepared to work hard for it, knowing fully well that this will not happen overnight.

Sometimes, the card also cautions the seeker to be prepared for a lot of work coming up before him in his personal or professional life.

Upright Eight of Pentacles Card Prediction for Career
The Eight of Pentacles meaning for a career is clear in the image itself. It suggests that you will be working at something you enjoy and are proud of; while also making money out of it. You will have job satisfaction as you will be mentally stimulated while using your creativity. This is a great card for self-employment prospects.

The card also suggests that you may be achieving mastery of your subject as you are perfecting your skills of the trade. This is a good omen for news about a new job if you were looking out for one. But be prepared if it turns out to be more demanding than you anticipated.
The card also indicates a promotion coming up.
When this card comes in a financial spread, it shows that you will enjoy financial stability. The hard work that you have put in till now, is going to pay off. This does not mean that you blow away your earnings in a single weekend as this is a fruit of hard labour and not just luck.

The card can also suggest sometimes, that you need to do some long term planning of your finances to ensure stability in the future.
Upright Eight of Pentacles Card Prediction for Love
In a love reading, the card indicates that you will now be having money to provide more stability to your relationship. The hard work and dedication that you put into your relationship will help it to move forward nicely.

For the singles, it can also suggest that you need to learn from your past mistakes before you go ahead with a new relationship. You may also meet your soulmate who is also attending the same seminar as you, for improving a skill.

Sometimes this card cautions that you are not giving enough time to your relationship as you are too busy working. Beware that your loved one may get distracted and move away because of lack of attention from you.
Upright Eight of Pentacles Card Prediction for Health
When the Eight of Pentacles comes in a health reading for you, it can indicate digestion problems, diarrhoea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, pancreatitis or appendicitis.

But if you have been working on some fitness regime, the card suggests that you start feeling healthier and stronger than before.
As a Yes/No card-Yes card.

Eight Of Pentacles Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

In a general context, when Eight of Pentacles Tarot cards are reversed, it can indicate laziness, carelessness, lack of effort or poor concentration on your part. This Minor Arcana card can also indicate that you are not dedicating your focus to what you want to achieve or aren’t putting the work that is needed to achieve your goals. You may be avoiding failure, but unless you put in efforts from your side, you can never know what you may be capable of. So figure out your priorities and set clear goals for what you want to achieve, and take tasks one at a time.

Another interpretation suggests you may be focusing on one area so much that other areas in your life are getting ignored and neglected.

Reversed Eight of Pentacles Prediction for Career 
In terms of your career, when this card is reversed, it can indicate lack of ambition and confidence. You may be finding your job boring, or are unsure about your success. You may not be committed to working, and that may be the underlying reason for poor career growth till now. If you are waiting for a promotion, or looking to switch jobs and have applied for a new one, there may be chances of you not getting through, due to lack of qualification. 
If you run a business, this card can be a warning not to let your work ethic and standards slip as poor workmanship and quality could earn your organisation a bad reputation. 
And for those of you still studying or wanting to pursue higher studies, the card suggests the need to focus and concentrate. To clear your exams, you will need to put in the hard work.
Eight of Pentacles reversed meaning can indicate financial insecurity, overspending, living beyond one’s means which could lead to debt. Don’t enter any schemes or deals blindly, be responsible and prudent with your investments. 

On the other hand, this card can also suggest you may be too focused on your materialistic wealth.
Reversed Eight of Pentacles Prediction for Love 
When it comes to your love relationship, this card can suggest that you may not be putting in efforts from your side, and could even mean that you may not be fully committed to your relationship. 

Your workaholic tendencies have had an adverse effect on your relationship. So, unless you find ways to show your partner your appreciation and love for them, there could be more issues in your relationship. 
If you are single, the Eight of Pentacles reversed can indicate that you may not be feeling quite confident when it comes to meeting new people. If you want to find a suitable partner, you have to stop neglecting your romantic side. 
Reversed Eight of Pentacles Prediction for Health 
In a health reading, the Eight of Pentacles reversed can suggest two alternatives - you may be putting too much focus on your body that may be proving to be detrimental to your health, for instance by extreme dieting or exercising. Or you may be neglecting your health and fitness by over-eating and not exercising enough. In either case, the card suggests that you find a healthy and balanced lifestyle to maintain your health.
As a Yes/No card- No

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