Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands Tarot Card Description

The card shows a man carrying a large bundle of sticks towards a nearby town which is located at a short distance. The heavy load of sticks is weighing him down but he knows he has reached his destination and will soon be able to release the heavyweight he is baring.

Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

It appears that you have taken a responsibility which is heavier than you are capable of holding. Even though it has a lot of weight and is difficult to carry, but still, you are still going on as you know it is all temporary. You are putting in your all to achieve the goal. You are also doing things for others which is likely to get you some favour from them later in life.

At times, it means that you are pushing in to do everything at once. You know it is adding extra pressure but still, you take it. Unfortunately, it will put me in a tough situation. The card asks you to stop and examine your life and what all tasks you have on your plate. Prioritise your tasks and deal with them accordingly. Use methods which will help you sort your life.

It also signifies an approach towards the end of the challenge. It shows you are nearing the finish line. You are on the path towards seeing your dreams come to reality. There are high chances that when you reach the end of the road you are completely exhausted but it is worth it.

With this achievement comes responsibility and commitments. These responsibilities might make you feel burdened. Due to this, you might lose creativity and the vision with which you started a new venture or the journey towards success or completing a project.

Delegate some of your responsibilities outside to enjoy life and also to get things done properly.

Upright Ten of Wands Card Prediction for Love

You might feel overburdened by the relationship. A feeling that your partner is taking you for granted can trouble you emotionally and mentally. It seems that you are loaded with the responsibility of doing things to preserve the relationship. No fun and excitement instead of obligation is what you see around.

Singles, might not have time or energy to date someone new. As you are too burdened with your own struggles. Making time for new relations will make you feel better.

Upright Ten of Wands Card Prediction for Career

Stress will cloud your mind and you will be overloaded and burdened with so much going on. You have taken new projects but you do not have the strength to complete them. Exhausted, drowned and irritated is what you feel right now. Ask your boss whether someone can share the load of work.

Financial burden and duties can be seen. Struggle in coping with family expenses and debt can mentally disturb you. Repayment of loan or borrowed money can be difficult during this time.

Ten of Wands Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

It shows that you are working too hard on yourself. Trying to do everything for everyone has made it tough to cope. Say no to tasks for which you do not have the bandwidth. Do not stress yourself.

You need to take rest otherwise you will be completely exhausted and of no help to anyone. Do share the burden instead of doing everything by yourself. Get hold of your emotional side and do not let it affect your position and health. This means you are pushing away people who can actually help.

You don't need to hold on to the burden you cannot bear. Instead, look for ways to lighten it. The card assures that all the challenges which had been haunting you will soon pass and you will feel light and be worthy of all the goodness.

Reversed Ten of Wands Prediction for Love

You are trimming some of the responsibilities which is giving you time to have fun and spend solace moments with your partner. Your partner is taking responsibility and sharing the load to stay connected to you.

For some due to overloading of work, it has affected your relationship and it is on the verge of breaking up. It is like a bad omen for some that you are putting in a lot of effort but it is of no use as the relationship is over in all ways.

Singles, finally the time has come when you are shedding off the burden in life and have time to date.

Reversed Ten of Wands Prediction for Career

Excess burden and responsibility and you are sinking in it. You have delegated some of your work to others to lighten the burden. You have found ways to cut down the pressure. You have taken more than you can chew and instead of prioritizing you are pushing yourself to finish everything on your plate even if you do not have the capability. Recognise the problem and take steps to treat it.

You are opting for good ways to reduce the imbalance. Seek financial advice from a professional.

Reversed Ten of Wands Prediction for Health

The negative impact of health will reduce and your symptoms will improve. On the other hand, you have ignored your health status all the warnings all the time. You need to take care of yourself before illness swallows you and destroys your status.


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