Four of Swords

Four of Swords

Four of Swords Tarot Card Description

 The Four of Swords tarot card, in the Rider Waite deck, depicts a man, who looks to be a knight, lying on his tomb, with his hand folded, almost like he is praying. There are three swords hanging on the wall behind him and one sword lying beneath him. The swords hanging on the wall seem to represent all the sufferings and challenges he has endured till now, while the fourth sword can be interpreted to be in a resting position, and thus, signalling that his fight has finally ended. On the stained glass next to the hanging swords, a child and a woman are painted.

Four of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

 The card does not represent an end but is a reminder for one to take shelter and rest before taking on a new challenge. Each new road is bumpy and life is full of challenges, and to be prepared for each, one must recharge and recover.

To be productive and driven, you need to be physically and mentally fit, or else you may feel overburdened and exhausted.

By taking some time off, not only will you regain your strength, but you can also develop a new perspective before making a major decision.
The general message of this card is to remind those stuck in their fast-paced lives to take out time to de-stress and take it easy whenever one gets the time. Avoid overburdening yourself and exhausting yourself, or you might just burnout. Sit back and review your progress up till now. If you have recently achieved a major milestone in your life, now can be a good time to reassess your priorities. This can help you figure out what tactics and strategies have worked for you in the past, and how to modify those approaches that may not have been completely successful.
Reflecting back can help you plan for a better future. 
Upright Four of Swords Card Prediction for Career

In a Career Tarot reading, this Minor Arcana card is indicating the number of tasks and responsibilities being given to you at work, which seems to be creating quite a bit of pressure on you. You may start to feel overwhelmed and exhausted due to the constant workload.

So, whether you have been able to cope up and take the pressure in stride, this card is a reminder for you to find free time in your schedule to hang loose and regroup before getting back to work.

A suggestion would be to disconnect from all devices during the weekend, to start fresh on Monday.

The Four of Swords suggest that you have been under some financial pressure recently. It can feel overpowering, and you may feel stuck. Even if you think that things are unlikely to change, don’t lose hope yet; it may not be as bad as you think. Don’t become too negative. Sort through your finances, and try to reduce unnecessary expenses.
Upright Four of Swords Card Prediction for Love

Stress and anxiety have left both you and your partner tired and disconnected. Now can be a great time for couples to take a much-needed break, and maybe even plan a weekend getaway. To find peace and reconnect, you both should find a way to spend quality time together. Do not become too critical about your relationship, and try to remember why you fell in love. Together, you can plan a way through your busy schedules, and keep the romance going!
For those of you who are single, this card suggests the need to introspect and get insight into your personality. If you want to find commitment, you have to first figure out what qualities you are looking for in a partner. Do not rush into a relationship simply because you are afraid of being single.
Upright Four of Swords Card Prediction for Health

When it comes to your health, the Four of Swords can indicate a need to rest and take the time out to recuperate and recover. If you have been neglecting your health up until now, especially your mental health, stress at work can lead to some anxiety-related concerns. So before things aggravate, make sure you take out time to unwind and reboot.
As a Yes/No card- Yes

Four of Swords Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

When the Four of Swords appears reversed in a reading, it can indicate that, unless you want to exhaust yourself and burn out, you need to take a step back from all the pressure and stress and recharge your energies now.
When reversed, the Four of Swords meaning shows that you may be ignoring your body’s signs to relax and de-stress, and carrying out tasks and activities all at once. This card comes as a reminder that it is also important to withdraw from your hectic routine and replenish your energy. And for that to happen, you need you to take out time to detox. Your mental health is as important as your physical health, so keep in mind to meditate and shut out your thoughts every now and then!
Reversed Four of Swords Prediction for Career
When the Four of Swords comes reversed in a career spread, it can indicate that you could join back your work after a break or time off. You were able to get this much needed time off to de-stress and relax, and now that you have, you are ready to get back on your feet! You may be able to get back to your rigorous schedule, but make sure you use effective coping strategies to deal with daily office stress.

In some situations, this card can also suggest that since your work schedule and environment is causing you extreme stress and anxiety, switching jobs could be a more effective plan for your mental and physical health.
In a financial spread, when this card is reversed, it can indicate recovery, especially after a period of financial difficulty or instability. You may finally be able to relieve some of the pressure you were experiencing recently.

On the other hand, in some extreme cases, this card can also represent getting so overwhelmed due to financial pressure, that you end up feeling exhausted. If you have been ignoring help and support from your loved ones, now is the time to reach out to them.
Reversed Four of Swords Prediction for Love
In a love reading, the reversed card may indicate that taking some ‘me-time’ will benefit your relationship, and you can now start mending it.
Alternatively, this card can also suggest that your relationship may be causing too much stress for you and your partner and that things could start spiralling out of control.
For those of you who are single, the Four of Sword reversed can indicate that you may be getting ready to come out of isolation, after having had a bad break-up. Don’t detach yourself from your loved ones. Let their support help you move forward.
Reversed Four of Swords Prediction for Health
When the Four of Swords comes reversed in a health reading for you, it implies that you have been restored to health and it is time you get back into action. Resume your daily activities again.
On a negative tone, the reversed card warns of enforced isolation in the form of depression and/or loneliness. You may be susceptible to a nervous breakdown.
The card also indicates that there could be an illness resulting in hospitalisation.
This card indicates that you may be pushing yourself too far or not taking care of yourself to the point that you could burn out!
 As a Yes/No card- Yes/Sometime No

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