Three of Swords

Three of Swords

Three of Swords Tarot Card Description

 In the Rider Waite Tarot deck, the Three of Swords card shows a heart, pierced by three swords. Above it, there are heavy clouds and a heavy downpour, almost making it seem like a storm. The symbolism seems pretty direct. The heart, which is full of warmth and affection, has been hurt and seems to be in pain. The image looks to be of loss and heartbreak. The clouds and the rain symbolise the grimness of the situation and may depict a low point in one’s life.

Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

 In the general context, the Three of Swords represents unhappiness and sorrow. While it may get overwhelming, and you may feel very emotional, remember to give yourself time to adjust and recover.

While the card represents hardship, it does not mean that nothing good can come out of your situation. 'What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ is a cliche for a reason; it is often quite true! Take these difficult situations in stride, and think of it as a learning opportunity in your life.

Do not be afraid to reach out to your loved ones for support.

Upright Three of Swords Card Prediction for Career

A Minor Arcana card, the Three of Swords in a career tarot reading represents stress at the workplace. It can even signify the sudden loss of a job or losing a major milestone at work and can leave you feeling sad and hopeless. However, keep a rational mind. Reassess and re-evaluate your situation. If you find yourself out of a job, take the time to figure out what exactly you want to do. You can even try different career fields.

And if you weren’t able to overcome an important challenge, instead of letting your team members resort to blaming each other, take charge of the situation. Have a respectful and honest conversation with your team, and try to focus on how to move forward now. There will always be setbacks, you just have to learn how to bounce back from them.

In a Financial Tarot spread, the Three of Swords suggests that you may have recently suffered a financial loss or even an emotional loss which had financial consequences. You can either continue to be stuck with your negative thinking, or you can get ahead of your financial situation, and take the required steps to figure out your finances. Cut back on some luxuries, stick to a decided budget. Take it one step at a time instead of thinking that your finances can get fixed overnight.
Upright Three of Swords Card Prediction for Love

If you are in a relationship, the card can imply conflict, tears, sadness, and even heartbreak. But do not jump to any conclusions just yet. Conflicts and arguments are not the ends of a relationship. Do not get overshadowed by sadness and grief. Talk to your partner, and figure out what seems to be lacking in your relationship. Miscommunication may actually be the reason.

If you’re feeling trapped in the relationship, the card can also indicate a breakup, divorce or separation, and in some cases may also be associated with legal matters. A third party, causing infidelity is also possible.

 For some, the Three of Swords can suggest that you might still be recovering from your past relationship. You may feel lonely and might be struggling to cope with the separation from your previous partner. Do not be in a hurry to move on. Have patience and give yourself time to heal.
Upright Three of Swords Card Prediction for Health

The Three of Swords in terms of your health can be an indication of physical ailments manifesting as mental health concerns. The card is associated with physical concerns like cardiac issues, and mental concerns like anxiety, depression, and stress caused by any traumatic experience.

So, make sure that you take your health seriously, and take sufficient steps towards maintaining good mental and emotional health. Avoid getting critical, and try to remain positive. 

As a Yes/No card- No

Three of Swords Reversed Tarot Card Meaning 

When the Three of Swords reversed card comes in your reading, it encourages you to pay attention to your inner thoughts and feelings. If you are being too self-critical or engaging in negative self-talk, this card serves as a reminder that you should talk back to your inner-(mean) voice. Talk to your friends and loved ones, and find constructive ways to shift your thoughts towards the positive, and reinforce your confidence.
Whatever difficult situation you may be going through in life, the Three of Swords reversed meaning indicates that this time will pass, and suggests you look at the silver lining in your dark cloud.
Reversed Three of Swords Prediction for Career
If you have been feeling stressed at work, or if your projects and assignment were not planning out as you had wished they would, the Three of Swords reversed card indicates things resolving soon. With a more optimistic outlook, you may start feeling more positive and upbeat, and it could also help make your work environment more peaceful. Proper communication will be the key to moving ahead in your career.

On the other hand, this card, on the downside, can also suggest that the situation at work could get more difficult. There may be upheaval caused by colleagues and employees holding grudges against each other, and unwilling to let go. All this negativity could hinder productivity at work.
In a financial reading, the Three of Swords reversed can suggest that the support you were seeking from your loved ones will start paying off and help you feel more positive about your situation. You may be able to find new ways of paying back any borrowed money and would now be able to see light at the end of the tunnel. Whatever your situation may be, the only way forward is by accepting your situation and taking active and productive steps in order to improve it.
Reversed Three of Swords Prediction for Love
For those of you in a relationship, and going through a rough patch recently, this card indicates reconciliation and forgiveness in the relationship. You and your partner may be able to find ways to communicate better and more openly. That will help you to let go of any issues and move forward in your relationship.

This card also suggests, that if you want to move forward with your partner, you both will have to let go of any past indiscretions. If you want to grow together, you will have to stop holding onto the past. Pretending to have let go can only last for so long.
And if you are single, this reversed Minor Arcana card can represent healing from a breakup or separation. By keeping a more positive outlook, you will find yourself coming out of your corner, and getting over feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Reversed Three of Swords Prediction for Health
When representing your health, the Three of Swords reversed card can signify recovery, and returning back to health. So if you feel a boost in energy, and start feeling more optimistic about your healing, embrace it.

Alternatively, this card can also indicate that if you seem to be experiencing any health issues, they could be due to your worry and feeling anxiety. Do not get overwhelmed without cause, and if need be, seek advice from a professional.
As a Yes/No card- Mostly Yes / Sometimes No

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